CO2 Emission Free

X-Wind  is using a solid environmental-friendly technology to generate elcetricity without emissions

Clean Hydrogen

Show us a more efficient way than ours to produce environmemntal-friendly hydrogen as we don‘t know any – we are prepared

Cost Effective

While fossile fuel prices are volatile and tend to rise over time resulting in rise of energy costs, we produce energy at as low as US Cent 1-2 /kWh

Scalable Power

Our sites are flexible in size and deliver long-time scalable elctricity from 600 GWh to 2,6 TWh electricity per year

Animal Safe

We care for animals – our facilities save flying birds, insectcts and bats

Landscape Friendly

Our facilities are almost invisible as you may not see our systems and the kite ropes on our sites, but some flying kites – enjoy the scenery!


We reduce, we re-use and we recycle. All materials in use are only proven components which are easy deconstructable and and which are reclyclable

Low Noise Emission

We have a low noise emission - Dear neighbours, we don‘t bother if your parties may get louder than the systems on our sites
